DRI Rotors

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DRI has always been in the forefront of Air Treatment technologies. Our group is the fastest growing Adsorption Technology group in the world today.

We have several patents for our key technologies filed and accepted globally. (more details are available on request)

The R&D at DRI is focused to continuously provide the customer with energy smart green products through:

dri cartoon DRI Rotors

Some of the key materials, technologies, intellectual property (IP) and core products developed using hundreds of man-years of research, development, experiments, extensive internal & external testing & validation are:​

Our Team

A dedicated team of scientists, research chemists and engineers are working on breakthrough work with the end objective of market introduction of truly innovation tech. The company has several patents filed and granted globally for the technologies, products and processes developed.

DRI has continuously invested in product and technology specific testing labs. DRI'sR&D facilities are recognized by the Department of Science and Technology and are the best in the environmental control industry, worldwide, in the corporate sector.

ourteam DRI Rotors
research development DRI Rotors

Research & Development Labs

Our state-of-the-art R & D Labs are very versatile and regularly used for the following (as example):

World-class test facilities for performance evaluation

Enthalpy Wheels

At DRI, we use a unique and a first of its kind Testing Facility for the performance evaluation of Energy Wheels in association with Intertek Testing Services, Cortland (Intertek Associates with AHRI for the AHRI 1060 Program). It is designed for performance evaluation of Energy Wheels:

EcoFresh Lab03 DRI Rotors
EcoFresh Lab05 DRI Rotors

EcoDry Desiccant Dehumidification Rotors and Cassettes

One of the most advanced labs in the world for desiccant rotors. More details can be provided on request. EcoDry Lab tests rotors capable of delivering desired dew points for applications in Pharmaceuticals, Food, Commercial Fresh Air Systems etc. and extremely low dew points for specialized applications like lithium Battery Rooms & Plastic Dryers.

EcoDry Lab 1 0 DRI Rotors
EcoDry Lab 2 DRI Rotors

Active Chilled Beams

We have developed a unique and a first of its kind Testing Facility for the performance evaluation of Active Chilled Beams in association with WSP Laboratory Germany. The laboratory is designed to meet the testing criteria of various standards. In addition to the capacity testing, the laboratory is designed to have flexibility and adaptability for application testing using multiple beams at a given time.

EcoBeam 1 DRI Rotors
EcoBeam 2 DRI Rotors

Gas Phase Filtration Lab

For testing performance of Granular and Honeycomb Media. More details can be provided on request.

GPF Lab 3 DRI Rotors
GPF Lab 1 DRI Rotors

We have developed a special Testing Facility for the performance evaluation of evaporative cooling pads. The laboratory is designed to meet the testing and measuring criteria for Temperature, airflow. pressure and moist air properties as per ASHRAE Standards 41.1, 41.2, 41.3 and 41.6 respectively.

Indirect Evaporative Cooling Heat Exchangers/Modules:

Volatile organic compounds VOC Lab

One of the most advanced labs in the world for VOC capture and abatement. More details can be provided on request.

VOC Lab 1 0 DRI Rotors
VOC Lab 2 0 DRI Rotors

'DRI' Honeycombs = Nature

The DRI honeycomb / fluted media draw inspiration from the nature's own work of art - the honeycomb. The honeycomb structure combines the advantages of maximum surface area, least pressure drop, light weight and amazing structural strength. It can be made highly porous due to the nature of construction of the substrate used.

The fluted media, due its porosity, can act host to any desiccant, metal silicates and catalysts in its walls, depending upon its usage, like air drying, VOC removal, etc. Even for applications like NOx removal, excellent honeycombing is possible, to provide a high velocity air passage with a low substrate mass, high catalyst loading, and low heat carryover.

This innovation is a major advantage and sets it apart from the conventional honeycomb carriers. The DRI fluted media can easily be used up to very high temperatures and can take many desiccants and catalysts according to the end usage required.

Endless choices and challenges

Various permutation and combinations of substrates, chemicals, synthesizing processes and design features are possible, depending upon the application.

Typical substrates

Typical desiccants / catalysts and chemicals

Bringing them together ... Some methods

We have not only mastered the art of impersonating and recreating nature's wonder - honeycombs, but also the science of combining the substrates with chemicals, using various processes, that include:


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