DRI Rotors

Home / Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

DOAS 2 DRI Rotors

Product Description

A paradigm shift is occurring in the design of HVAC systems for buildings, particularly in regard to RH control. Even in commercial buildings designers are scrutinizing the effectiveness of air conditioning systems in managing humidity levels. The concept of Divide & Conquer is gaining traction and utilizing ventilation air to manage the internal moisture load of buildings is becoming increasingly popular.

DRI Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) has emerged as the preferred option for designers to handle moisture load using Ventilation Air. After studying nearly 20 different configurations DRI has developed a range of standard DOAS configuration that are widely used by designers today.

des ort DRI Rotors

Incorporating the highest recovery Enthalpy Wheels, EcoFresh, and patented Passive Desiccant Wheels; this configuration allows the designer to design systems at lower dew points without using a DX system. The system has a unique configuration and uses a Patented Desiccant Wheels which do not require any active energy to regenerate.

DRI DOAS Zenith units are AHRI certified for the performance of cooling coils, Enthalpy Wheels, Sensible Wheels. The casing offered is also AHRI certified for mechanical parameters.

DRI Ultima DOAS can provide fresh air up to 10° C Dew Point using chilled water coils.


Zenith DRI Rotors

Incorporating the highest recovery Enthalpy Wheels, EcoFresh, and Sensible Wheels; this configuration allows the designer to reduce the cooling coil load and also reheat the air without using any active heating method.

DRI DOAS Zenith units are AHRI certified for the performance of cooling coils, Enthalpy Wheels, and Sensible Wheels. The casing offered is also AHRI certified for mechanical parameters.

Schedule of Heat Recovery Wheel, Cooling Coil & Sensible Wheel

These units are ideal for Hospitals, Hotels, Offices, Airports, Educational Institutes, and all the air-conditioned areas where RH management is required.

The units are manufactured in ISO Certified state of Artfully vertically integrated facility with world-class machinery, units have a unique design to incorporate enthalpy wheels to maximize energy recovery efficiency and minimize cross-contamination.

Why Ultima is your best buy?

Salient Features:

DOAS 1 1 DRI Rotors

Applications / Usages


Health Care

Commercial Areas

Residential, Educational & Recreational Areas


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