DRI Rotors

The onset of winter marks a significant rise in air pollution. Every year, there is profound deterioration in the quality of air during the period, and this year as well, the AQI of the capital city plunged to the ‘severe category’ for eight consecutive days. Though the pollution levels have reduced in the past few days, with AQI improving marginally to 310 as per the Central Pollution Control Board records, the vulnerability to pollution still persists in the city. Additionally, experts have shown concerns about the quality slipping back to the severe category with hazy conditions still prevailing in major parts of the city and its adjoining areas.

With the capital city striving to counter the air pollution, it is important to understand that the impact is not just limited to outside but is also responsible for influencing the air quality within the enclosed spaces. The worst affected are commercial and industrial spaces facing the challenge of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) as contaminated air remains trapped within the space. Given the large and complex structure of these spaces, such as offices, schools, airports, hotels, etc., they are often marked by excessive buildup of pollutants, dust, and allergens due to packed buildings. This in turn leads to a hike in levels of PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, VOCs, etc., giving rise to a range of respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma, and lung inflammation, along with cardiovascular issues and neurological disorders in a person. Moreover, as per the study by IIT Kanpur, the level of PM 2.5 peaks during the month of November, where the pattern continues in December as well, with pollution still being a matter of concern. With PM 2.5 levels surpassing the mark of 1000 in the 3rd week of November, it becomes essential to improve the IAQ of the large spaces. Furthermore, long-term exposure to poor IAQ has also been linked to the development of a condition called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) among the occupants. In this condition, people complain about issues such as fatigue, headaches, lethargy, nausea, wheezing, throat irritation, etc. In addition to this, SBS is also responsible for reduced productivity and absenteeism in the person, as unhealthy indoor air can also affect the physical and mental well-being of people. However, given the inherently complicated structure of commercial and industrial spaces, improving the IAQ cannot be done alone and requires the intervention of advanced technologies. Here, installing Air Purification Systems (APS) can come in handy for maintaining good IAQ across the space by conducting the removal of outdoor air pollutants at the source itself. It offers a proactive solution with the help of a “beginning-of-the-tube” system where purification of air is performed at the source by harnessing the benefits of advanced filtration technologies. The APS systems exercise an edge over the other standard air purifiers by purging the air before it enters the facility rather than treating the outdoor air inside the building, risking the mixture of outside contaminated air with the indoor environment. In order to address the air quality issues proficiently, the APS systems employ innovative solutions in the form of honeycomb-designed chemical filters. They conduct 100% elimination of gaseous contaminants before they infiltrate indoor spaces and check the entry of harmful particulate and gaseous pollutants at multiple levels. To further fortify the process, the systems also prevent the infiltration of contaminated air into the building by maintaining positive pressure across the space. Along with this, it ensures thorough cleaning of outside air, making use of proper particulate and chemical filtration. Looking at the health repercussions of poor IAQ in large spaces, adopting advanced Air Purification Systems can go a long way in curtailing the contamination of air indoors. With rising outdoor air pollution, these systems play a crucial role in improving indoor air quality in commercial and industrial spaces by effectively preventing pollutants from entering the indoor environment.

  1. Why is proper ventilation crucial for a home?

Proper ventilation is crucial for a home, as it significantly improves the AQI of indoor air of the space. It is efficient at eliminating the indoor pollutants present in the form of dust, allergens, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for supplying clean and healthy air into the house. In the process, ventilation prevents excess moisture buildup in the space, which in turn impedes the growth of mould, dampness, and any structural deterioration of walls, ceilings, and furniture occurring due to humidity.

Ventilation is also important for regulating the temperature of the space. Facilitating escape of hot air, it fosters a comfortable indoor temperature by promoting circulation of cooler air within the enclosed facility. Consequently, proper ventilation plays an instrumental role in reducing the air conditioning of a house significantly. Minimizing the strain on heating and cooling systems substantially, it helps in lower utility bills and drives better energy efficiency in the house.

In addition to this, a well-ventilated house is efficient at removing the odors released from cooking, cleaning products, and other sources, disseminating a fresh and pleasant environment within the house. Along with this, it also comes in handy for getting rid of carbon monoxide generally produced by stoves, fireplaces, and heaters in the house.


2. What are the different types of home ventilation systems (natural, mechanical, hybrid)? How should homeowners choose the most suitable option for their property?

Looking at the importance of ventilation, there are various types of home ventilation systems for facilitating optimal supply of fresh air.

  • Natural ventilation – Natural ventilation is majorly driven by unchecked air flow through windows and doors.
  • Exhaust ventilation – This type of ventilation is very common in kitchens and bathrooms and comes in handy for removing moisture from the spaces.
  • Balanced ventilation – Balanced ventilation works on the principle of air exchange, where fresh outdoor air is introduced into the house and an equal amount of stale air is forced out. It neither pressurizes nor depressurizes, thereby ensuring proper ventilation throughout space.
  • Mechanical Ventilation – This is a heat recovery ventilation situated at the top of the building. It supplies conditioned air and bodes well for proper flow of fresh air into the rooms.

The choice of ventilation depends on several factors, such as the house layout, size, and specific goals. It is subject to the purpose that needs to be achieved, such as the removal of excess moisture, driving energy efficiency, or exhaust ventilation. But while selecting the system, size of the house should be considered; as an oversized system can prove to be inefficient and an undersized system might be insufficient to meet the ventilation needs. Likewise, for larger commercial and industrial spaces exhibiting complex structures, installing Treated Fresh Air Handling (TFA) systems can be beneficial for eliminating pollutants, allergens, and contaminants, and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) reside well for exercising immaculate humidity control.

3. What are some effective ways to improve indoor air quality through ventilation? Are there specific types of filters or systems recommended?


  • Innovative technologies

Considering that ventilation for enhancing indoor AQI can be achieved with the help of HVAC systems, it is essential to innovate and upgrade the systems by harnessing the power of advanced technologies.

  • Integrating groundbreaking solutions such as energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) can maximize ventilation by promoting heat and humidity exchange between incoming and outgoing air.


  • Similarly, TFA (Treated Fresh Air Units) bodes well for conducting the pre-conditioning of outdoor air for introducing clean and healthy air into the room. Being well equipped with energy recovery wheels, it goes a long way in recovering both sensible and latent energy, contributing to the energy efficiency of the systems.


  • Installing Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) controls the humidity levels with the help of unique passive dehumidification wheels and also facilitates replenishment of fresh air and removal of indoor air pollutants.


  • Smart Systems


Making use of AI or ML-driven systems can upscale the ventilation as it comes in handy for exercising centralized monitoring, data storage, etc., Such innovations help in smart and precise monitoring of the HVAC equipment based on the occupancy patterns.

4. What are some common mistakes homeowners make regarding home ventilation, and how can they avoid them? What should homeowners keep in mind about ventilation when renovating or upgrading their homes?

When it comes to ventilation, the common mistakes that people make are:

  • Neglecting natural and exhaust ventilation

Considering that modern-day houses and commercial buildings as well boast glass facades and packed structures for aesthetic appeal, they lack openings for natural ventilation. There are also instances where exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms skip people’s minds. It is advisable to make the best of natural ventilation, as it can significantly reduce the load on HVAC systems. Likewise, exhaust fans are also important for curbing the buildup of excess moisture and pollutants.


  • Avoiding maintenance

Once the HVAC systems are installed, people generally don’t pay any attention to the maintenance of the systems. However, cleaning and repair of HVAC systems should be conducted at regular intervals of time to avoid any damage or unplanned downtime. Systems in poor condition can severely compromise the effective ventilation of the space and consequently might not be able to address perils arising from poor IAQ of the building. Therefore, ensuring maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the systems and keep their longevity intact for a longer period of time.

  • Clogging of vents and registers

Very often, people tend to cover the vents with curtains, furniture, or other items, blocking the smooth airflow. This can lead to inefficiency of the HVAC systems and account for uneven heating and cooling of the room.

  • Wrong size

Selecting the right size is very challenging for people, where they might end up installing either an oversized or too small system for the building. Where large systems are responsible for frequent system on and off, undersized systems struggle to achieve and maintain the desired temperature. In both cases, it is difficult to drive the efficiency of the operations, leading to poor ventilation of space.

5. How often should ventilation systems be inspected or maintained? Are there signs that indicate a problem with a home’s ventilation system?

The maintenance of ventilation systems should be done at regular intervals of time. People can recognize any problem with the systems when experiencing uneven heating and cooling. A significant rise in electricity bills can suggest inefficient working of mechanical systems or malfunctioning of the HRV/ ERV systems.

Similarly, poor airflow can indicate blockage in supply vents and can be identified in case there is difficulty in opening doors or windows resulting from pressure imbalances. Experiencing stale or stuffy air, even after ventilation or lingering odour, implies poor air circulation. At the same time, the occurrence of frequent condensation on windows, walls, or ceilings and the growth of mould or mildew signify the presence of excessive humidity within the space.

One can also identify damage to ventilation systems by noticing increased dust accumulation even after regular cleaning. At the same time, on experiencing escalation of respiratory health issues, it is advisable to check for poor filtration of the systems.

Employing predictive maintenance with the help of advanced technologies can give significant results. The smart sensors, routine system upgrades, and Building Management Systems (BMS) enable real-time monitoring and updates. Together they work towards timely identification of any issue in the systems, encouraging prompt action to address the problem.


Varun Pahwa, President, Desiccant Rotors International 

Pollution has been a pressing concern in the national capital, especially as the city reels under the influence of deteriorating outdoor & indoor air quality. With the Air Quality Index (AQI) plummeting to the ‘severe category’ exceeding the 400 mark, people have been facing a lot of health issues. Looking at the severity of the situation, where the entire focus has been on air pollution outside, people fail to understand its significant impact on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), which can be more contaminated as compared to outdoor air.

The IAQ further deteriorates remarkably in commercial and industrial spaces such as offices, schools, airports, hotels, etc. Such spaces are majorly characterized by the large buildings with complex structures, making it difficult for the contaminated air to find an escape. Consequently, this significantly contributes to the buildup of pollutants, dust, and allergens within the enclosed space. Moreover, with the sharp rise in pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide levels, VOCs, etc., they are responsible for giving rise to a range of respiratory issues, cardiovascular conditions, and neurological disorders.

Exacerbating the conditions further, long-term exposure to poor IAQ can lead to a condition called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). People suffering from the condition generally experience fatigue, headaches, lethargy, nausea, wheezing, throat irritation, etc. SBS has also been linked to reduced productivity of the occupants as the unhealthy indoor air comes with the ability to severely impact the physical and mental well-being of the person.

Forcing schools to remain closed on account of poor IAQ, and even offices making major adjustments with 50% working capacity, it has a far-reaching effect on the normal functioning of commercial and industrial spaces. Therefore, understanding the repercussions, it underscores the importance of monitoring IAQ of the enclosed commercial spaces amidst rising pollution outside.

Considering that improving the IAQ can be very challenging for large spaces, installing advanced Air Purification Systems (APS) should be prioritized in the buildings. The technology comes with the proficiency to maintain good IAQ within the facility and, in turn, promotes a healthy environment for people occupying the space. It provides an innovative solution for eliminating the outdoor air pollutants at the source. Being well-equipped with honeycomb designed chemical filters it ensures 100% removal of gaseous contaminants and checks the entry of harmful particulate and gaseous pollutants at multiple levels.

This is majorly because it operates as a “beginning-of-the-tube” system, conducting purification of the air at the source with the help of advanced filtration technologies. In contrast to the standard air purifiers, which work within indoor spaces, treating outdoor air that has already entered and mixed with the indoor environment, the APS systems purge the air at the point where it enters the indoor environment. This fundamental difference positions APS as a proactive solution, addressing air quality issues before they infiltrate indoor spaces.

In addition to this, the systems maintain positive pressure across the indoor space, preventing the infiltration of contaminated air into the building. It conducts thorough cleaning of outside air with the help of proper particulate and chemical filtration before introducing it into the room. Thereby, residing well for diluting the indoor pollutants with the help of clean air outside, the systems also ensure maintenance of carbon dioxide with measuring units.

Therefore, with people taking refuge indoors with rising pollution outside, it becomes essential to deploy Air Purification Systems, especially in large buildings. This can play a pivotal role in checking the influence of outside pollution on IAQ and ensuring people are protected from a range of health problems associated with it.

Prioritizing good air quality in workspaces has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years. With employees spending the majority of their time in their offices, it becomes crucial for organizations to provide a healthy and safe environment to them. The modern workspace infrastructure is generally characterized by enclosed spaces, lacking windows to accommodate air conditioning systems. As a result, the structures give rise to a sealed indoor environment with hardly any scope for fresh air ventilation.

Unlike the common misconception that air conditioning improves the air quality of the space, it comes as a surprise for many that systems recirculate stale air. Additionally, with the space occupied by a large number of people, it continuously contributes to the build-up of carbon dioxide and pollutants within the space as it is unable to find an escape to the outside. All the factors together account for poor air quality and severely impact the health of the occupants. If left unattended, the poor IAQ can give rise to a range of health issues in a person, such as respiratory issues, allergies, and serious conditions of cardiovascular disease as well.

Moreover, continual exposure to poor IAQ can result in the development of Sick Building Syndrome, where the occupants are very likely to face breathing issues, headaches, asthma, fatigue, and pain in the eyes. Severely compromising the health and comfort of the person, lethargy and absenteeism are some common issues that impact the productivity of the individuals. As a result, it becomes a prerequisite to install technologies that improve the air quality of the workspace, aimed at enabling an efficient work process accompanied by enhanced concentration.

To achieve good air quality, employing Treated Fresh Air Handling (TFA) systems is essential. These systems precondition the incoming fresh air to meet ventilation standards and maintain excellent indoor air quality (IAQ). By filtering and treating the air before it enters the space, TFA systems eliminate pollutants, allergens, and contaminants, effectively impeding the spread of airborne diseases. As a result, these units ensure a consistent supply of clean and healthy air, significantly reducing health issues associated with poor air quality. Additionally, TFA systems are equipped with energy recovery wheels, which recover both sensible and latent energy, contributing to improved IAQ, humidity control, and energy savings.

The advanced systems bode well for achieving optimal indoor air quality throughout the year, irrespective of the weather conditions outside. Providing a stable and comfortable environment, the systems invariably contribute to high levels of engagement and motivation among the employees, enhancing their overall performance round the year.

In the pursuit of meeting the ventilation standards, the advanced technologies also vouch for energy efficiency. Striving to save energy while maximizing the energy recovery efficiency, they eliminate the need to increase the energy costs of the building. Here, by exercising the efficient airflow for ensuring the appropriate circulation of fresh air, the units come in handy for reducing the need for excessive heating and cooling of the space. Taking a holistic approach, they not just contribute to saving energy but extend to reducing the operational costs of the workspace at the same time.

To achieve the purpose, the Treated Fresh Air Handling Units ensure uniform distribution of air, which significantly curtails the demand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Reducing the overall load of the system, there is a remarkable plunge in the operational cost as well as the energy consumption of the building. Consequently, by installing the systems, businesses can successfully achieve the twofold task of enhancing air quality within the workspace, which clocks substantial energy savings. While focusing on optimizing the air quality of the space, humidity is often neglected by people. But exercising humidity control is a crucial step towards providing a healthy indoor environment to the employees.

Here, the Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) harness the benefit of unique passive dehumidification wheels for ensuring adequate ventilation of the space. Coming with the ability to eliminate indoor air pollutants while monitoring humidity levels, the system replenishes fresh air to create a more pleasant and productive workspace.

The ability to control the relative humidity plays a crucial role in resisting the growth of mold, bacteria, fungi and prevents the issue of unpleasant odour and discomfort caused by excess moisture. In addition to this, monitoring the humidity can go a long way in safeguarding the office equipment and materials from any potential damage, retaining their longevity and reliability for a long time. Looking at the wide gamut of advantages optimal air quality has to offer for the workspace, it goes a long way in scaling the overall performance of the business.

Promoting the health and safety of the employees along with a comfortable space invariably improves the concentration and productivity of the occupants. In the process, employing Treated Air Handling Units can be considered a strategic business investment because it offers a comprehensive solution for providing energy-efficient ventilation. Conducting pre-conditioning of incoming air guarantees a consistent supply of fresh air. At the same time, monitoring the humidity levels of the space, the systems are an ideal option for ensuring the health and safety of the occupants.


Authored by:

Varun Pahwa
Desiccant Rotors International

Modern-day glass facade buildings, commonly found in urban landscapes, often prioritize aesthetics and energy efficiency over proper ventilation. These structures typically rely heavily on air conditioning (AC) systems, with little to no provision for natural airflow or fresh air intake. As a result, indoor air quality (IAQ) in such buildings is often compromised, leading to a buildup of pollutants, dust, and allergens, which can exacerbate respiratory diseases.

Without sufficient ventilation, the concentration of indoor contaminants increases, creating an environment that can negatively impact occupants’ health. Prolonged exposure to poor IAQ, especially in commercial and industrial spaces where people spend most of their day, can lead to respiratory issues, fatigue, headaches, and in some cases, long-term chronic illnesses. As these buildings are sealed to improve energy efficiency, the lack of fresh air circulation worsens the problem, making it imperative to address IAQ concerns to ensure the well-being of occupants.

The spaces extensively depend on centralized air conditioning to keep the temperature cool, but in the process, the systems promote recirculation of stale air. This leads to the buildup of excess carbon dioxide and pollutants as there is no adequate escape for the indoor air. Hence, it is important to focus on meeting the optimal ventilation standards. Incorporating natural ventilation can bring a lot of relief, but to exercise ventilation of large spaces, Adapting towards using advanced HVAC systems can be of great help. It ensures efficient airflow for encouraging proper circulation of fresh air across the room, and in the process, it substantially reduces the excessive need to heat or cool a space.

The absence of fresh air leads to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), a condition where occupants experience symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and lethargy. SBS is a major contributor to increased respiratory issues and reduced productivity, as the unhealthy indoor environment affects both physical and mental well-being. Poor ventilation exacerbates the problem, allowing pollutants to accumulate within the space, which, over time, severely impacts respiratory health.

Indoors with poor air quality are packed rooms filled with harmful contaminants like particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and microorganisms, which aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

This severely underscores the importance of improving the indoor air quality of the building. Ensuring the proper ventilation of space and deploying advanced HVAC systems can play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of indoor air. Elaborating on the same, let’s explore ways to improve the indoor air quality of the space. 

Treatment of pollutants

In order to keep the contaminants in check, installing Treated Fresh Air Handling (TFA) systems come with a lot of benefits. It conducts the filtration of incoming air for supplying fresh air free from any pollutants, allergens, or contaminants. Pre-conditioning the air before it enters the room, it curtails the probability of airborne diseases in people residing in the space. 

Humidity control

Humidity is a crucial factor responsible for poor IAQ. But excess moisture in the air is the playground for the proliferation of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, etc., which can cause nasal and throat irritation, aggravate asthma attacks, irritate the respiratory system responsible for bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.

Therefore, making use of Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems aids in controlling the humidity of the space while exercising proper ventilation of the space. At the same time, they help in removing the unpleasant odour due to humidity and contribute to the comfort of the occupants.

Green Buildings

Understanding the importance of IAQ in keeping respiratory diseases at bay, going for green building solutions significantly comes to aid in maintaining acceptable air quality within the enclosed space. Moreover, considering that the wave of sustainability is being realized across the sector, industry players are adopting net-zero buildings with alacrity. Making use of sustainable materials with negligible emissions of harmful VOCs, the structures inherently ensure that pollution within the space is controlled. At the same time, by incorporating smart designs, the buildings prioritize proper air filtration and natural ventilation of the rooms. Therefore, by maintaining a healthy indoor environment, smart buildings ensure the well-being of the occupants.  



Author: Varun Pahwa, President, Desiccant Rotors International


Implementing healthy interior practices is essential in commercial buildings, as it fosters a safe and comfortable environment for the occupants. The practices help in optimizing the operations of the buildings and, at the same time, also contribute to the sustainability of the complex setup. It is mandatory for commercial buildings to abide by the building codes and environmental regulations outlined by the regulatory bodies to ensure the safety, efficiency, legal compliance, and sustainability of the buildings. Here, HVAC systems play a crucial role in incorporating best practices in commercial settings by exercising energy efficiency and improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) of the space. The systems strategically maintain and extend the lifespan of the facility in the long run.

Installing advanced technologies such as VFDs, ERVs, building automation systems, etc., into the HVAC systems can help in driving the energy efficiency of the buildings. The variable frequency drives (VFDs) exercise precise control of the systems and modulate the energy consumption. Additionally, energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) optimize ventilation by exchanging heat and humidity between incoming and outgoing air. Dwelling in smart technologies in building automation systems, energy management strategies are employed that monitor and regulate the HVAC systems on the basis of occupancy patterns. All the factors together contribute to a significant saving of energy, translating to a reduction in the operational costs of the building.

Modern HVAC systems focus on improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) of the building. Enabling proper ventilation, and filtration, and implementing humidity control, provides a healthier and more comfortable IAQ for the occupants of the building. Installing Treated Fresh Air Handling (TFA) systems is beneficial for the removal of pollutants, allergens, and contaminants from space. By introducing fresh air into the room, the systems bring about the solution to pollution with dilution.   

To ensure the ventilation standards are met, TFA conducts the preconditioning of outdoor air to provide fresh air into the room. The systems are involved in filtration and treatment of air before it is introduced into the room, as a result, the air circulating within the room is clean and healthy. Apart from improving IAQ, the TFA also comes with the proficiency to recover both sensible and latent energy with the help of energy recovery wheels, which play an instrumental role in minimizing energy utilization and go a long way in controlling humidity as well.

In the pursuit of enhancing IAQ in a commercial setting, monitoring the humidity level is also essential to abide by best practices. Humidity control is essential for a healthy indoor environment as it harbors the growth of mold, bacteria, and fungi, responsible for giving rise to a range of respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, and allergic reactions. The advanced Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) come in handy for monitoring humidity levels, facilitated by unique passive dehumidification wheels. The technology executes adequate ventilation of the space to replenish the fresh air and reduce the pollutant level in the air. The maintenance of optimal humidity levels significantly contributes to alleviating the discomfort due to excess moisture. In addition to improving the IAQ, it creates a pleasant environment for driving the productivity of occupants by reducing the instances of lethargy and health issues in them.

In turn, the HVAC systems promote the eco-friendly operation of the building. Demonstrating compliance with energy efficiency, they play an instrumental role in curtailing greenhouse emissions of the facility. Boosting sustainability, the buildings are in alignment with LEED, ASHRAE, ASSOCHAM, Indian Green Building Council codes, and other energy certifications.

It is important to conduct regular maintenance of the HVAC systems to drive greater longevity and reliability of the building. Failing to perform the maintenance can severely impact the lifespan of the system and ultimately disrupt the building’s operation. Systems in good condition save a lot of operational costs and prevent the sudden breakdown of the systems. Employing predictive maintenance tools and software in the form of smart sensors, regular system upgrades, and integration of advanced technologies with Building Management Systems (BMS) can help in the early detection of any issue or error.

Looking at the role of HVAC systems in abiding by the best practices of commercial buildings, industry players can further upscale the offering by installing technologically advanced systems in the building. AI-driven systems or IoT-powered systems enable centralized monitoring, data storage, etc., exercising enhanced performance of the building. 

30th August 2024: Desiccant Rotors International Pvt. Ltd., a flagship company under the Pahwa Group, has installed Solar Street Lights on the outskirts of Dadhikar village, Alwar as part of its CSR activity. The project aims to enhance the electrical infrastructure of the village by improving the lighting condition of the region.

As part of the initiative, 25 solar street lights will be installed in the initial ph

CSR Times

ase to illuminate the stretch of the street remaining dark during the night. Serving the purpose of improving, safeguarding, facilitating, and encouraging vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the night, the installation is estimated to benefit more than 7,500 people residing in the village.

The village is situated in the neighborhood of Sariska Tiger Reserve and animals from the buffer zone of the reserve tend to enter the village after sunset. This makes it difficult to carry on the activities after dusk in the buffer zone of the village. Recognizing the challenge faced by the locals, DRI worked closely with Sapna NGO to install solar-powered street lights to enhance the safety of the people. In the process, it will also protect the villagers and domestic animals from wild animal attacks such as snakes and jackals, which are very common in the area after sunset.

Focusing on sustainable rural development, the initiative will have a transformative impact on the lives of residents. It will facilitate continuity of activities and enable ease of commutability even during the night due to better illumination. Additionally, it will also ease movements during the evening hours on rainy days. The initiative will be instrumental in creating a sense of security among the residents in the evening and night. They will be able to continue with their tasks without any hindrance or fear of accident or animal attack.

The inauguration was done by Mr. Deepak Pahwa, Director, of Desiccant Rotors, and Mrs. Vinita Pahwa, Director of Desiccant Rotors as the Chief Guest (s) of the program. The event was also attended by Mrs. Anandita Pahwa, Head-CSR Initiative, Pahwa Group, Mr. Sudhir Pratap Singh, General Secretary, Sapna NGO, Prof Ranveer Singh, Treasurer Sapna NGO, Mr. Bhumi Sarpanch of the village and villagers of the Dadhikar village, Alwar.

Speaking on the occasion, Vinita Pahwa, the Director of Desiccant Rotors said, “The solar street light project is a testament to our commitment to upgrading the lives of underprivileged people with the help of CSR activities. The Solar Street Lights will be the source of quality illumination in the villages during power cuts in the evening hours. Thus, in cases of power cuts, many times the inhabitants depend on the light received from the Solar Street Lights. The light from the Solar Street Lights will also illuminate the premises of the adjacent households. Thus, during power cuts, the families will be able to gather outside their houses sometimes to sit under the light.”

With people becoming highly conscious about their health, there has been rising awareness around the poor IAQ in commercial spaces. Modern-day commercial spaces are generally glass skyscrapers exhibiting a complex and packed structure with no space of windows for accommodating air conditioning systems. Restricting any scope of fresh air ventilation, the facilities can significantly contribute to poor indoor air quality (IAQ), which can negatively impact the health of the occupants.

Spaces such as malls, hospitals, large office buildings, airports, and other facilities are generally huddled by a large number of people, which leads to the buildup of carbon dioxide and pollutants, responsible for poor IAQ within the space. The situation is further worsened by the air conditioning systems recirculating the stale air, making the indoor environment hazardous for the occupants. It can potentially give rise to a range of health issues entailing respiratory problems, allergies, and even serious conditions of cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged exposure to poor IAQ is also responsible for the development of a condition called Sick Building Syndrome, where people become susceptible to various allergies and life-threatening diseases. It also comes with the ability to affect cognitive function, giving rise to a decline in productivity coupled with increased absenteeism in a person.

This necessitates the deployment of advanced technologies that work towards enhancing the quality of air in the commercial facilities. To achieve acceptable air quality, the industry should proactively consider installing Fresh Air Ventilation systems in tandem with the air conditioning units to provide comprehensive ventilation solutions within the space. Making use of Air Handling Units (AHU) entailing Treated Fresh Air Units (TFA) and Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) provides a viable solution for introducing fresh air into the space while reducing energy consumption, translating to a decrease in the operational cost of the building.

To achieve good air quality, employing Treated Fresh Air Handling (TFA) systems is essential. These systems precondition the incoming fresh air to meet ventilation standards and maintain excellent indoor air quality (IAQ).
By filtering and treating the air before it enters the space, TFA systems eliminate pollutants, allergens, and contaminants, effectively impeding the spread of airborne diseases. As a result, these units ensure a consistent supply of clean and healthy air, significantly reducing health issues associated with poor air quality. Additionally, TFA systems are equipped with energy recovery wheels, which recover both sensible and latent energy, contributing to improved IAQ, humidity control, and energy savings.

Another major advantage of the system relies on its ability to optimize indoor air quality round the year. Contributing to a stable and comfortable environment, it alleviates health risks and boosts the productivity of the occupants, irrespective of the weather conditions outside. Delivering fresh air continuously, it maintains air quality at acceptable levels for indoor settings. In educational institutes or offices, this plays a pivotal role in elevating the motivation and engagement of the people, resulting in overall better performance of the individuals.

In addition to this, TFA systems come with the ability to provide energy-efficient solutions. It is proficient at meeting the desired ventilation standards without amplifying the energy cost of the building. Striving to manage the airflow efficiently, it ensures appropriate circulation of fresh air, negating the excessive need of heating or cooling the enclosed space. As a result, the benefit is not just limited to energy savings but eventually translates to a significant reduction in the operational costs of the facility as well.

Elaborating on the advantages of the system, TFA can bring about a significant reduction in overall system capacity requirements. By handling and distributing the air efficiently, the system lowers demand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Ultimately contributing to a reduction in the overall load of the system, it culminates in lowering the operational costs and energy consumption of the systems.

In the pursuit of improving the IAQ, people generally tend to overlook humidity. But maintaining the optimal humidity of the space is crucial for achieving the desired result. Moisture in the air is responsible for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, which can impact the health of the person. Therefore, TFA aids in controlling humidity within acceptable limits and prevents the growth of microorganisms and the issue of static electricity. In the process of eliminating humidity from the air, it does not incur additional cost, making it a cost-effective solution for commercial spaces. In addition to ensuring the health and safety of the people occupying the space, maintaining proper humidity protects the various materials present in the space and preserves the longevity and reliability of the materials.

Here, the Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) can also be beneficial for addressing the issue of humidity. Well equipped with unique passive dehumidification wheels, it ventilates the space adequately by removing indoor air pollutants, monitoring humidity levels, and replenishing fresh air in the process. Managing the humidity level, it plays a pivotal role in addressing the issue of mold growth, unpleasant odors, and discomfort arising from excessive moisture. Resisting the accumulation of pollutants, odors, and contaminants, it supplies fresh air for a comfortable, healthy, and productive environment. Therefore, managing the RH (relative humidity) levels, maximizing energy recovery efficiency, and reducing cross-contamination provides a comprehensive solution for improving the air quality of the space.

Therefore, looking at the complexity of the commercial facilities, employing the systems can come in handy for optimizing the air quality. Looking at the wide gamut of benefits the systems have to offer, entailing pre-conditioning of incoming air, delivery of fresh air, energy-efficient ventilation, and humidity control, they are very likely to prioritize the health and safety of the occupants. And in the process, the systems also reduce the load on the HVAC systems, making them a viable and practical solution for large, complex buildings.


Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning or HVAC systems are seeing new age developments as they integrate seamlessly within various spaces.


In recent years, people have become highly conscious about the health repercussions arising from poor indoor air quality. Consequently, to address the issue, there is a growing emphasis on indoor air quality (IAQ) with a focus on achieving the comfort of the occupants. This has invariably contributed to the rising demand for HVAC solutions that accomplish the dual purpose of regulating temperature along with removing pollutants and allergens from indoor spaces.


The HVAC industry is at a very interesting cusp of development. Driven by the growing importance of net-zero solutions in the segment, the industry is adopting energy-efficient solutions with alacrity to reduce the carbon footprint significantly. “To achieve this goal, the HVAC space is embracing Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems to ensure precise temperature control and zoning capabilities aimed at curtailing energy consumption with efficient operation as compared to traditional HVAC systems. To further strengthen the prospects of providing energy efficient solutions, the industry is focusing on reducing the cooling or heating load by resorting to natural methods of ventilation. By ensuring ingress of fresh air, ventilation plays a pivotal role in removing the contaminants from the space while maintaining comfortable temperature and humidity levels for the occupants. Here, by minimizing the dependence on heating and cooling systems, it contributes to reducing the consumption of electricity,” says Varun Pahwa President, Desiccant Rotors International.


Varun Pahwa            IAQ
Working towards improving the indoor air quality and hygiene of the space, HVAC systems are
continuously innovating to curtail the proliferation of microorganisms in a closed space.

 “The advanced technologies are also contributing to the enhanced automation of the systems for precise control of temperature, humidity, and other factors of the environment. Apart from this, the HVAC industry is progressing at a phenomenal rate by harnessing the benefits of collated data to practice predictive maintenance of the systems to troubleshoot and calibrate the systems to eliminate faults effectively that too in advance,” adds Pahwa. 

Driven by the growing importance of net-zero solutions in the segment, the industry is adopting energy-efficient solutions with alacrity to reduce the carbon footprint significantly.                      HVAC DRI Rotors            

Driven by the growing importance of net-zero                         HVAC industry has actively transitioned away
solutions in the segment, the industry is                            from refrigerants that cause Ozone depletion and      adopting energy-efficient solutions with alacrity                            adopted refrigerants with low Global
to reduce the carbon footprint significantly.                                                   Warming Potential.


Working towards improving the indoor air quality and hygiene of the space, HVAC systems are continuously innovating to curtail the proliferation of microorganisms in a closed space. As a result, the industry is scaling its offering with the incorporation of advanced filtration systems to capture a wide gamut of airborne contaminants entailing bacteria, viruses, and allergens. “Additionally, the industry is further fortifying the antibacterial and antifungal measures with the integration of UV-light technology into the systems aimed at sterilizing air and surfaces for neutralizing harmful microorganisms. Along with this, the systems are proficient at inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi with antimicrobial coatings on the components contributing to the elevation of indoor air quality of the space. Going a step ahead, the industry is equipping the coolers with highly efficient and reliable antibacterial cooling pads that inhibit the formation of bacteria on the surface to provide the necessary protection against the diseases arising from microorganisms,” says Pahwa.

Smart Controls                               Ozone Depletion           

Smart controls, using Variable Frequency                          HVAC industry has actively transitioned away
Drives (VFD), now have a crucial role in                               from refrigerants that cause Ozone depletion
optimizing the performance of motors,                                   and adopted refrigerants with low Global
including AC fan motors and compressors,                                             Warming Potential.
in the HVAC industry 


By D Roy Choudhury, AVP, Desiccant Rotors International | The Machinist | May 21, 2024

Industry players are seeking cost-effective solutions for cooling their spaces in anticipation of the hot summer months. The article outlines why evaporative cooling is a viable option for effectively cooling large spaces, such as manufacturing facilities.

With the onset of summer, heatwaves remain a matter of concern among people. Adding to it, working in industrial plants compounds the heat problem as the spaces are inherently complex structures containing heavy machinery where critical processes are carried out. Considering the critical nature of these processes, they further contribute to the dissemination of a significant amount of heat. Predictions based on IMD reports indicate an impending heatwave expected to reach its peak between May and June, can further worsen the situation in an industrial plant setup. The heat within the facility can lead to deterioration of the products, which can immensely compromise the quality and jeopardise the profitability of the company. In addition to this, inadequate cooling owing to the complexity of the structure coupled with the rising temperatures can account for uncomfortable conditions, making the premises unsuitable for working. Additionally, prolonged exposure to excessive heat can lead to a phenomenon called heat stress among the occupants. Symptoms such as swelling, cramps, and exhaustion can also develop among the employees.

These factors collectively impede the productivity of the employees and interfere with the smooth functioning of the day-to-day operations. Therefore, to optimise the output of the plant, it is imperative to maintain the temperature within comfortable limits to boost the performance of the employees. However, cooling down the excess space in large facilities consumes a significant amount of energy. Moreover, with the impending sweltering summer,
industry players are seeking cost-effective solutions to efficiently cool their spaces. Industrial evaporative cooling emerges as the most viable solution for effectively cooling large spaces. Installing air conditioning can be challenging and costly, requiring a large number of systems and leading to high installation, maintenance, and operational costs. Conversely, evaporative cooling ventilates premises in the most economical way, with minimal capital costs for installation and setup prices just one-fourth of those for air conditioning systems. Industrial evaporative cooling provides a cost-effective solution by continuously utilising natural resources to cool spaces in an environmentally friendly manner. By extracting 100 per cent natural air from the surroundings, this mechanism ensures a continuous supply of oxygen to cool large industrial spaces while also eliminating fumes, odours, carbon dioxide, airborne impurities, and built-in dust. This circulation of fresh air reduces sultriness and removes stagnant indoor air, which is responsible for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, in addition to fulfilling the task of cooling down the plant, evaporative cooling plays a crucial role in enhancing the indoor air quality as well. Evaporative cooling significantly lowers temperatures by 10°C to 12°C by employing water-saturated cooling pads to filter out hot, dry air. This mechanism initiates water evaporation to form cool vapours, thereby providing a cooling effect. High-adsorbent materials are utilised to further enhance saturation efficacy, ultimately reducing the overall running costs of the machines. Consequently, there is a notable reduction in energy consumption, with evaporative cooling systems using 80 per cent less electricity compared to other cooling solutions on the market. Brands such as ARCTIC can proficiently achieve the required air quality and effectively cool spaces in a comfortable and hassle-free manner. Considering the wide array of advantages evaporative cooling offers, it has the potential to increase plant productivity. By improving employee comfort and concentration in hot conditions and ensuring optimal machine performance by preventing overheating, these cooling systems contribute to both employee well-being, safety, and operational efficiency within the plant.



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